Berlin is such a fast-changing city that you’re never quite sure which neighbourhood is the most fashionable at any one moment in time. Just a couple of years ago, Neukölln was renowned as a rough area which visitors were best advised to avoid. But now, it’s at the centre of a creative revolution – as well as protests against its supposed gentrification.
All of that makes Neukölln one of the most vibrant parts of the German capital, and the perfect subject for the launch of a new micro-local travel guide. Called KiezExplorer (‘Kiez’ being the German word for ‘neighbourhood’), its first release is the Neukölln iPhone app, which includes a survival guide and a short documentary video featuring interviews on the rapid changes in the area, as well as snapshots of its most photogenic spots.
The travel guides are aimed at tourists who really want to understand a Kiez in a way which they are unable to using orthodox travel guides, as well as recently-arrived residents who want to get to know their new surroundings. There are handpicked highlights for coffee, food, shopping, culture, nightlife and the best outdoor destinations, and the tours consist of slide shows with corresponding GPS trails. An event planner updated daily is also included.
The Neukölln app costs €1.59 but is free of ads, and the content is available in both English and German. The startup is expected to release guides for other parts of Berlin in the future.