No Surprise: More Freelance Work Sourced via Internet

By David Knight |

IT freelancers are increasingly finding work over the internet, with the demand for such services growing five-fold in 2011. That’s according to a study by twago, a Berlin-based online platform which brings together clients with the experts they need in services ranging from programming, graphic and web design to translation and research.

The activities of more than 138,000 service providers and clients were analysed to identify trends, with the number of projects being offered in Germany alone being tripled last year. That supports the idea that freelancers are increasingly winning major projects over the Internet rather than them being sourced internally within a company.

Needless to say, it’s no surprise that twago has reported these trends – it’s what they do, after all. But the numbers are impressive, and there’s no denying that it makes perfect sense, especially in the IT and technology sector, for increasing amounts of freelance work to be outsourced online.

Gunnar Berning, CEO of twago, said: “Online marketplaces like Twago are the Wirtschaftswunder (economic miracle) for freelancers. Through us, it is possible to lead a flexible freelance life with manageable income. It is not surprising to us that the demand from both sides – clients and contractors – is growing.”

Registration numbers at twago are certainly on the up: an increase in freelancers of 390 percent in Germany and 140 percent globally, and in customers of 180 percent in Germany and 270 percent globally.

For many, using the internet to source clients or contractors might be old news – but it seems the word is spreading.