Don’t know your twago from your AUPEO? Stop fretting – Berlin’s first startup tour will put you straight!
Dubbed the F@6 tour after the hit startup radio show Friday at Six, whose host Derk Marseille is organizing the event, the walk will include VC firm Earlybird alongside twago and AUPEO.
Also on the agenda will be Ashton Kutcher’s new favourite startup Gidsy, which is the platform being used to advertise the tour. There will be the chance to meet CEOs in person, listen to their stories of founding companies and plenty of time for Q&A sessions.
The tour, which takes place on Friday, Feb. 24, will last for around six hours and can accommodate up to 20 people. And afterwards, you can kick back and relax with some free pizza and beer. It is, according to its Gidsy listing, the perfect event for “young entrepreneurs, ambitious students, employees of big companies and for all who would like a deeper understanding of the vibrant Berlin startup scene.”
Derk will also invite tour guests to to attend the recording of his F@6 show later on – “a superb opportunity to mingle with the rest of the Berlin startup crowd,” including newcomer MONOQI. Indeed, only the cool kids get invited to that.