Gear Up for Summer with Silicon Allee’s June Meet Up

By David Knight |

The glorious weather seems to have given way to miserable gloom just as Berlin should be gearing up for another brilliant summer – so why not cheer yourself up with the Silicon Allee June meet up?

As ever, we’ll be at Sankt Oberholz on Rosenthaler Platz for Berlin’s best networking session. Come along from 9am on Tuesday, June 5 and join in the fun.

Some of you will already know the drill, but for others, the event – which has been running since February 2010 – is completely open; there is no need to RSVP and there won’t be any speakers. Just turn up, grab a coffee and get talking.

The event attracts a diverse mix figures from Berlin’s tech scene. Including entrepreneurs, investors, programmers, designers, freelancers – as well as people who are interested in getting into startups.

We’ll see you tomorrow – here’s hoping for a bit of sunshine!

You can also check out the event’s Facebook page.