EyeEm Provides Live Photos for Cancer Research UK

By Claire Adamson |

EyeEm, the Berlin-based mobile photography app, has teamed up with Cancer Research UK to launch Live Photos, a way of collecting and sharing participant photos from the upcoming Race For Life fundraising series.

The photos and memories from these kinds of event have always been shared with family and friends, but now pictures can be shared with Race For Life’s entire Facebook community.

Using the free EyeEm app, runners and supporters will be able to take photos, apply the in-built filters and tag them with ‘Race For Life.’ Photos from the 240 races will be collected in location specific galleries on Facebook, allowing access to a collaborative photo album for Race For Life’s 314,000 followers.

Emma Hyatt, head of Race for Life, said: “We always look to make Race for Life as socially involving for our participants as possible, and the photos of the days themselves never fail to raise a smile. The EyeEm app will help to bring all of these soon to be great memories into one, easily accessible place on our Facebook page and we can’t wait to see the results from around the UK.”

Florian Meissner of EyeEm was also delighted with the partnership, seeing the series of events as a perfect fit for EyeEm’s philosophy of discovery: “Race for Life is the kind of event that will provide plenty of memorable images for our community to share and enjoy.”