Check out Silicon Allee’s weekly rundown of all the best events going on in our fair city: what’s happening, what’s coming up and what may be of interest; whether you be investor, entrepreneur or hacker.
The Silicon Allee team will be at Sankt Oberholz on Tuesday morning for the monthly Silicon Allee Breakfast Meetup. This is a great event for networking, and there will be an excellent crowd of hackers, developers, entrepreneurs, PR types and investors. From 9am at Sankt Oberholz.
The Quiz Show From Hell: Taxed, Sued and Quartered will pit two teams against each other to discuss that most exciting of topics – tax and legal requirements. Following on from the success of the Live Term Sheet Negotiation in May, the event will look at the subject in a fun and laid back way. Be warned: the teams will be plucked from the audience, so only go along if you are serious about starting up a business. From 6pm at Basecamp.
Also on Wednesday is the first ever meetup of the Open Tech School, a new meetup that wants to teach coding to beginners in a supportive environment. Featuring talks from Paul Nelligan of Audiofu and Duana Stanley, a backend developer at SoundCloud, the meetup will also feature a ‘Learn-n-Tell’, a chance to show off things you have made, code you have written and ask any questions you may have, no matter how dumb. From 7pm at Co-Up.
Perhaps this is the week to head along to the Beta Breakfast at Betahaus, a weekly meetup of creative and tech people at one of Berlin’s most famous co-working spaces. Brotchen and coffee will be served, and it will be a good opportunity to hear some interesting presentations, and meet up with creative people with more than just tech backgrounds. From 9:30am at Betahaus.
Eyeem will be holding a meetup in their courtyard on Friday night from 6:30pm. This will be a great chance to wind down from the week, enjoy a beer and chat to a wide variety of people – from tech people to photographers. From 6:30pm at Eyeem.
Coming up:
We are counting down now – only two weeks to go until Campus Party and TOA Berlin. But before that, there is the Webmontag Pitch Day on Monday August 13, and the regular monthly Startup Berlin meetup on Tuesday August 14.