The Big Berlin Breakdown: March 25 – 31

By Simone ODonovan |

Check out Silicon Allee’s weekly rundown of all the best events going on in our fair city: what’s happening, what’s coming up and what may be of interest whether you be investor, entrepreneur or hacker.


Phil Libin, CEO of Evernote, is in Berlin for the first time ever to share some exciting news. He will be at the meet up at betahaus alongside platform advocate Rafe Needleman, who will discuss Evernote’s upcoming developer activities around the world, as part of an evening of networking, drinks and surprises. Reserve your ticket here. At Prinzessinnenstrasse 19-20, from 6-9pm.

Berlin Startup Culture is bringing a new meetup to town providing you with the opportunity to pitch your project to find co-founders or supporters, or simply to get feedback. Each pitch will be five minutes followed by three minutes of Q&A. For registration, details about the event and the pitch format see here. From 7.30pm, at Müllerstrasse 178.

The ElasticSearch Usergroup Berlin is holding its monthly meetup this week with a talk from Daniel Trümper about migrating data to a new schema. There will also be a discussion about the group’s possible presence at the Big Data Week coming up. Register here. At Retresco, Heinrich-Roller Strasse 16B, from 7pm.

Open Tech School Berlin will host a UI/UX meetup at the coworking space Co-Up. Diego Margini will give some responsive design tips, while Dan Reynolds will be going through fonts. Perfect for designers at any level to learn about typography. Register here. From 7.30pm, at Adalbertstrasse 7-8.


The 18th Lean Startup Meetup is having an event based on how failure is an important element to developing your own business. Natascha Wegelin from noknok will speak about the failures she experienced in the process of beginning her startup. There will also be free beer, pizza and Club Mate to keep you going. Special guests include founders and developers from the Polish startup scene in Poznan. Register here. From 7pm, at Andreasstrasse 10.

Hardware Startup Berlin is holding a meetup over a light lunch at Petrocelli. It’s the perfect way to meet fellow members, and to discuss the challenges and opportunities of having a hardware startup in Berlin. Register here. From 12.30 to 2pm, at Torstrasse 169-171.

If you have an event you want us to consider including in future editions of the BBB, drop us an email to leaks at