They say three’s a magic number – so join us on Tuesday to celebrate the Silicon Allee monthly meet up’s third birthday! It’s incredible to think that we first held Berlin’s biggest and best tech-focused networking event so long ago – so much has changed in the city since February 2011, largely for the better.
This Tuesday will be business as normal. Join us at Sankt Oberholz, startup landmark and purveyor of coffee par excellence, from 9am on February 11. As always, there will be a great mix of entrepreneurs, investors, developers, designers and everyone else involved in technology.
For those of you who are unfamiliar with our breakfast meet up, it’s a chance to grab a coffee and chat in a casual atmosphere before heading into the office.
There’s no agenda and no speeches; just actual human interaction.
For those of you who are old hands, come along and reminisce about meet ups past!
You don’t need to RSVP but feel free to sign up on our Facebook event page and let us know you’re coming. We’ll be downstairs by the counter – openness is the watchword of our event, so the whole place is open to the public. Just ask if you can’t find us.