Join us for a yoghurt social on Wednesday following a talk by Skype co-founder and Atomico CEO Niklas Zennström. Enjoy a frozen treat or two at the special Silicon Allee meet up at Wonderpots, which will follow Niklas’ speech at the Technische Universität in Berlin on November 16 from 5.30 pm.
We’ll be hosting the meet up at the frozen yoghurt joint, on Georgenstrasse near Friedrichstrasse station, to dissect the talk and just get together – and if you need any more incentive to show up, the kind folks at Wonderpots are offering a 15 percent discount for the entire Silicon Allee community!
Niklas will give his talk in the auditorium at the TU’s main building on Strasse des 17. Juni beginning at 5.30 pm, and no registration is required so you can just turn up. We’ll be at Wonderpots from 8 pm onwards.