Finally a bit of sunshine poked through the cloud as a hearty crowd gathered for our April meet up on Tuesday morning. It was fantastic as always to see so many different people from all kinds of backgrounds gather to talk about startups and tech in Berlin. The monthly breakfast meet up is a great chance for faces old and new to network and help the city’s tech community grow.
We have been organising and hosting this popular event – which regularly attracts more than 100 people – for over two years together with Sankt Oberholz, our fantastic venue. We have never asked for anything in return, but we do need your support to help us grow and make our offerings better. There are only hours left in our fundraising campaign on Indiegogo, so if you have benefitted from our meet up in the past, please help us out in the present!
Tuesday’s event was certainly a cracker, with plenty of conversation about the Deutsche Telekom and Evernote hackathon at the weekend (our coverage will be up later today) as well as the ongoing Droidcon this week. Everyone was also looking forward to the start of the conference season proper, with NEXT coming up fast on the horizon.
The usual mixture of investors, designers, developers and entrepreneurs enjoyed the coffee and networking, and if you missed out don’t worry – we’ll be back again with Berlin’s best meet up next month (watch Silicon Allee and our Facebook page for details).
We’ll see you in a month – and please, contribute if you can!