Nadahl Shocair
Publisher & CEO, Nadahl is a globally renowned Business Transformation Expert spending a lifetime focused on transforming high-tech businesses across the world. He is a hard-core market builder and passionate about building high-growth high-impact businesses.
David Knight
Editor-in-Chief of Silicon Allee, David holds a Masters in Newspaper Journalism from the Centre for Broadcasting and Journalism in Nottingham working at the Barnsley Chronicle and then after moving to Germany for Bild.de and Spiegel.de.
Michiel Top
Business Development of Silicon Allee, Michael has lead several product launches and business building activities within the tech sector in Berlin before leading the business development efforts of Silicon Allee.
Andrew Haw
Community Manager of Silicon Allee, Andrew holds a degree in Corporate Communication and has a wealth of experience in marketing and community management during his time in the sports industry.
Nora Thiele
Manager of Social Media and Events, Nora holds degrees in Communication Science and Japanese Studies. She worked in localization consulting before joining Silicon Allee.[/one_third][one_third_last][/one_third_last]
Travis Todd
Original Co-Founder of Silicon Allee, Travis is an innovative American entrepreneur living in Berlin, Germany with a skill set of technical ability, an eye for design, a marketing background and business acumen.
Schuyler Deerman
Original Co-Founder of Silicon Allee, Schuyler is the founder and CEO of Sidestage, a community marketplace for hiring musicians.