Tech Runs Deep, But Does It Run Diverse?

By Adaeze Okelze | AI

Many women are paving the way in deep tech, but there is still a long way to go ’til diversity is achieved. Since partnering with Fraunhofer HHI, we are now focused on growing deep tech businesses and have been paying attention to the state of diversity.

One in four European startups is now in deep tech, yet only 7% of these startups are founded by all-women teams.

”When reviewing applications for our accelerator program, I have noticed that the number of female-owned startups is relatively low. What’s even more interesting is that, in my experience working in tech, the more niche the field, the greater the diversity issue becomes.

Vitoria Dias, Platform Manager at Silicon Allee

As pioneers in Berlin’s tech ecosystem, we have experienced the positive impact of creating an environment where women feel seen, heard, represented, and supported. This inspired the creation of our Women in Deep Tech event, aimed at sparking conversations on this topic. We look forward to shedding light on the realistic stories of women in deep tech who have thrived despite sexism, inspiring women in Berlin, Germany, Europe, and around the world!

They say stats dont lie, let’s check them out 👀

  1. The deep tech sector was valued at €700 billion in 2021.
  2. A report by Boston Consulting Group (BCG) revealed that globally, deep tech now claims 20% of venture capital funding, up 10% from a decade ago. Despite this, only 7% of deep tech startups are led by all-women teams.
  3. Less than 2% of investment in deep tech innovation goes towards women-led companies.
  4. On a day-to-day basis, only 20% of tech roles are currently held by women, highlighting the lack of adequate representation in the workforce.
Reference: (23) Women TechEU: Posts | LinkedIn

Putting a spin on Maxine Roper’s words, women need to be where deep tech is made and where deep tech decisions are made.

Thankfully, admist the startling stats, things are changing. More women are pursuing STEM degrees, with 32.8% of STEM graduates in the EU now being female. How does this help? A lot of deep tech companies are university spin outs. Therefore more women studying STEM degrees = more women in deep tech roles (ceterius paribus)

How can we finally get to the light at the end of the tunnel?

In an interview with us, Monique Kugtlisch, innovation manager at Fraunhofer HHI, noted that highlighting non-STEM degrees that can lead to careers in deep tech might be a good way to encourage more female participation – especially as that was her path. On another positive note, the annual investment in startups (co-) founded by women has also increased by more than 10x over the past decade

Having women at different levels, including the lower levels, in the investment process is defintely a great impact. Suprisingly, I have found that Germany has a bit more female VC capital presence, which obviously encourages more empathy for female founders and potential female founders.’’

Kadi Ingrid-Lilles, Investor Relations Manager at Silicon Allee

To every girl or woman reading this, there is room for us. We are waiting for you to become the deep tech star we need!⭐

FYI: If Europe could double the share of women in the tech workforce to about 45%, it could close this talent gap and more than double the GDP. In the words of Weijing Ye, ”Deep tech needs women and girls as much as they need deep tech.

All that said, we’re looking forward to seeing you on the 6th of September at our Women in Deep Tech event. In collaboration with Amela, we would be celebrating the incredible women leading the charge in deep tech. Let’s keep talking, connecting, and building a stronger community together!

👩🏽‍🤝‍👩🏻 If you’re a startup in the deep tech space with a smashing idea, especially women-owned, read this:

In partnership with Fraunhofer HHI, we are now accelerating deep tech startups! Based in Berlin, we offer financial support, stylish office space, access to cutting-edge tech at Fraunhofer HHI, and founder-friendly terms.  Applications are now open! Find out more and apply below.